
Doble's Wall, St Ives

   Doble's Wall

     click to hear song.


   There are  those

    Who once were young and strong,

    Now aged, bent and grey,

    Who did the same in days of yore

    As youngsters do today.

    Idly sitting in the sunshine,

    Lads together - big and small,

    Such as always been the case

    On Doble's Wall.



    Doble's Wall, Doble's Wall,

    There's no place in all the world

    Like Doble's Wall.


    There are those 

     In foreign lands today

     Who once were with us here;

     Who wander back in memory

     To scenes they hold so dear;

      But some day we hope to meet them,

      Meet together one and all,

      As we did in days gone by

      On Doble's Wall


       There are those 

       Who once were in our midst,

       Who'll ne'er again repeat

       The summer songs we used to sing

       In harmony so sweet;

       But their names we often mention

       As the twilight shadows fall,

       And we gather as of old

          On Doble's Wall.



Myself with Jan & Bob Mackey from California on Doble's Wall. May 2004

Jan's descended from the Nankervis, Noall, Jenkyn &  King families of St Ives.